Purposeful Travel

Travel for a Purpose

What is the Purpose for your Travel?

This is the ultimate reason to give back to mother earth. Travelling around the planet with a purpose gives hope and the sustainability of Tourism Destinations for future Generations. What is your Purpose for the travel?

Do you plan to achieve a specific mission from Volunteerism to Fundraising. Participate in Purposeful Tourism activities, Environmental Conservation, Research activities, Religious missions, Health and Medical care. Purposeful tourism is the ultimate reason to boost the Tourism industry in the whole world. 

Community Eco-tourism

Community Eco-tourism refers to tourism beyond wildlife. Having seen the Wild Game what next?

Visiting Communities, interacting and experiencing the culture of the Destinations areas creates excellent memories and comparison of cultures and lifestyle.

Guest Planted Trees
0 +
Projects Supported
What is involved?


Dream da World, Travel it!

A passionate Tour Guide, my zeal and enthusiasm for Adventure forced me to learn and discover the beauty of Wildlife and Nature. Half of my life has been interaction with Nature across the National Parks in East Africa and the world at large.

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